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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Before I Begin...

“Stay Strong.”
You never known where life may take you, sometimes the course you're meant to travel is right there in front of you, and other times the course is one that never even crossed your mind. The turns, and curves, the sudden dips and bumps in the road, they are all apart of the game. To paraphrase one of my favorite quotes, “it's not the destination, but how you get there.” I can honestly say that in all my life, I had never thought that the summer before my senior year of high school, would be such an eventful one. Its one that both me and my family will always remember. It was “That Summer”, when my life deviated from the one I had planned. It was when, the bumps, the twists, and the turns threw on my ass. But at the same time it was when I learned about myself as a person. It was when I showed myself what I was made of, and what I could handle. Yeah, at times it was overwhelming and yes, I did a lot of crying. But i got to meet tons of new people and I learned about the things that some people have to handle on a daily bases. But the biggest thing that I learned and that I'm still learning is how to stay strong. How to keep the faith and never let you're own fears get the better of you. And how to hope, even when everything around you seems to be failing.

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